Sunday, September 12, 2010

Stuff N' Stuff

What haven't we been doing. you may be asking. Well, nothing, I may say in answer. Let's see, I built this bridge... went back in time to the caveman days..., turned Emily into a goat, then a chicken, then a peacock, and then, very briefly, a cow. And that was only today!

I like to drive around these parts, and that works for us in a couple ways; first we get to drive around the old country roads (which are five minutes in any direction) and see cool old farms and towns and just plain old stuff that we both enjoy lookin' at. Second, I get paid to drive folks to the airports around here 'cos I've been working for Marty, and he owns a limo service. Pretty cool, huh?

Today we went and got some raw cheese from a farm about 15 miles away and then we went cruising around. There's an old bridge in Reigersville that was built by the guy that built the Brooklyn Bridge, and its a mini version of that bridge. we also went to the Lost River Caverns to look around (too cheep to actually go IN the caverns, but the gift shop had cool old stuff), a place I went to a long time ago with my Grammy.

Check out these tiny sewing machines they had on display at the Lost River Cavern!
There are a bunch of old canals around these parts that used to have mules and or people pulling barges down them. I have to read up on that for more info. Any way, the apartment is coming along nicely (finished the bathroom, more or less) and now we both have a chair to sit in and our bed arrives this coming Friday (after a month and a half of sleeping on the floor!). The cats frickin' love our place with all of its windows and nooks to hang out in.

There are twenty million Yacco's within four miles of us!

The weather is startin' to cool off, and the very beginnings of the Fall can just barely be felt in the air and seen in the trees.

See y'all later

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